About me

Physician, Theologian, Humorist

Of all the opening sentences in all the world’s literature, the most important is “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.”

William J. Wright
The story of

William Wright

I am a retired physician, boarded in both Internal Medicine and Emergency Medicine. I practiced as a staff physician in a trauma center before moving back to my hometown and opening a private Internal Medicine practice. I was president of a multi-specialty physician group and was on staff at two general hospitals and a rehabilitation hospital, as well as working as a hospitalist and admitting physician at rehab units and a Long Term Advanced Care Hospital.

Having Jewish friends growing up, I developed a deep interest in the Old Testament, which was heightened by John Sailhamer’s book, The Pentateuch as Narrative. I have also been aided in my study by Rabbi David Fohrman and staff at Aleph Beta. Other teachers who have influenced me are Charles Spurgeon, Oswald Chambers, Charles Simpson, and Chuck Swindoll.

Today, I live on eighty acres in the outskirts of Pettyview, Arkansas (just south of Hot Springs) with my wife, Sarah, in a timber frame house that my sons and I completed (the frame was done by a friend and his crew). We were assisted in the construction by Lyndon Lamb, a carpenter, patient, and friend.

My oldest son, Cody, also a physician, and his family live with us on the farm, while Matthew, Joshua, and David and their families live in La Mirada, CA; Charlottesville, VA; and Tucson, AZ. We have eleven grandchildren.

I have been invaluably assisted and encouraged in my studies and writing by two pastors, Dan Warthen and Dru Dodson.


Books Published


Books in Process



Graduated Hendrix College.
Married Sarah Bone of Ashdown, AR.


Graduated medical school. Moved to Memphis, TN for residency training.
Taught at local church.


Moved to Austin, TX to assist in a church planting. Worked in trauma center as staff physician. Taught classes at church.


Moved to Hot Springs, AR and began Internal Medicine practice. Taught Sunday school classes at churches in Hot Springs.


Retired from medical practice and underwent bilateral knee replacements.


Called back to work as hospitalist due to a manpower shortage at the hospital.




Published first book, Beginning with Genesis.


Published second and third books, Building blocks of Wisdom and Cows Ain’t Hard.


I play pickleball and golf, keep up 80 acres (which included building a barn with the help of family and friends), and write about an eclectic group of topics.

Future Plans

Working on a book on Leviticus, working title Reading Leviticus as Parable.

Current Books

A Journey from Knowledge to Wisdom

The Chiastic Structure of Matthew’s Gospel

Making Millions (of Mistakes) as a Cattle Baron

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